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We Create Beautiful, Useful and Innovating AppsFrench touch for luxury Apps.

A few words

NUBYtouch is a french startup specialized in mobile apps and data broad-casting.

We have a high taste for simple, beautiful and intuitive design, and we are constantly looking for emotional impact and client satisfaction.

Many prestigious client companies (Natixis Group, AFP, Euler Hermes) have entrusted us with their challenging mobile projects.

We also create our own innovative solutions, such as Patrimob (French mobile wealth management), SmartCongress (Mobility for Events) and (security suite for CISO).

Latest achievement

Discover the universal Euler Hermes Research app


Euler Hermes Collections

New order for the debt department, following success of EH Research.

Synonym tag cloud v2

More than 10K downloads!
We are excited to launch Multi-touch update: Nuage de synonyme

App Euler Hermes

Publication of the universal EH app EH Research

"Startup in Paris"

NUBYtouch is now labelled "My Startup in Paris" by city council.

More news, in french